Primary Care Membership Plans

Membership Plans

A membership based primary care practice where for a monthly membership provides a wide variety of comprehensive primary care services.

Insurance-free Health Care Option

By cutting out the insurer we keep costs low, access to care open, and decision-making in the hands of the doctor and patient. You will have healthcare as you deserve it, on your time, with direct access and a personal relationship with your provider.

MBody Healthcare is Perfect For:

Those Frustrated By Healthcare/Insurance Bureaucracy
Those Seeking Personalized Healthcare
Self-Employed | Uninsured | Busy Schedules | College Students | Small Business Owners

* Some items at additional cost

Employer Sponsored Plan

We are not a health insurance plan.

Offering employees a health care option can greatly increase job satisfaction, retention, and reduce absenteeism. Your employees will have health care at a fraction of the cost of commercial insurance plans

Student Health Plan

Sample of Services Provided

ADHD Treatment
Birth Control
Urgent Care Needs
High Blood Pressure
School/Sport Physicals
STD & Laboratory Testing
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Osteopathic/Chiropractic Treatment